kiji fansite

by kkgv1486

kiji with a cool hat

kiji is a cat which i think is reeally awsome and i think kiji should be recognised for her awsomeness

some cool kiji pictures:

cool kiji picture cool kiji picture

Kijis full name is kijitora, which is a really crazy name in my onion

creepy kiji picture

Sometimes kiji looks a little creepy but its ok and we love her

i think one day kiji will rule the world and when she does that will be pretty cool i think

kiji eating

kiji in a cool boat:

kiji in a boat

kiji marching into battle (your moms house):

kiji marching

sometimes when i open instagram, Kiji pops up and i get scared a little

kiji with big eyes

Thank you for visiting my kijster fanpage, please do not forget to follow kiji on instagram dot com

Disclaimer: all of these images have been obtained illegally and kiji does not know me. This website has been designed to collect as much of your personal information as possible and your ip address, date of birth and mothers maiden name are currently being sent to NASA to help fuel 5G mind control ambitions in south america.